Community-based energy projects

Community-based energy projects As a consumer organisation, our historic roots are in local groups of consumers and citizens coming together to improve things for people of that particular locality (and beyond). So, the projects described below are of great interest – not just for the fact that they are local, but also because this is

Seize the Day – A time to train for Net Zero Homes

Pete Eisenegger writes: It’s a pandemic. Consumers are being cautious. People are losing jobs. Meanwhile Global Warming continues and the need to adjust and bring our carbon footprints down becomes ever more pressing. As is the need for energy efficient homes. Building new modern homes to the standard needed is easy compared to upgrading the

Where to go for help

Contact Information Website links and Telephone numbers Click Here

Consumer Charter for Regulators

Consumer Charter for Regulators Promote and protect the interests of consumers in sector where market forces alone would not deliver the best outcomes Click Here

NCF Grassroots Group Guide

NCF Grassroots Group Guide Publicity and media, Group set up, Projects & organisation Click Here

In memory of Maurice Healy

MEMORIES OF MAURICE HEALY The news of Maurice Healy’s death has saddened many – not just because of the qualities of the human being that was Maurice but because with his passing the ranks of the first movers of what we were proud to call the consumer movement grow ever thinner. Jeremy Mitchell has written

NCF Briefing paper UK USA Trade Talks Standards issues

NCF Briefing paper UK USA Trade Talks Standards issues National Consumer Federation Briefing Paper Click Here

Are you a COVID-19 duck?

There is a test for Covid-19 according to the BBC Radio 4 programme More or Less and it is based on the old saying … If it walks like a duck, sounds like a duck and looks like a duck … it’s probably a duck. What the radio programme delved into was the accuracy of the tests

Letter to International Trade Minister on UK US Trade Talks

Letter to International Trade Minister on UK US Trade Talks Standardisation issues for consumers Click Here

Brexit – Keep our safety legislation

Community-based energy projects As a consumer organisation, our historic roots are in local groups of consumers and citizens coming together to improve things for people of that particular locality (and beyond). So, the projects described below are of great interest – not just for the fact that they are local, but also because this is